Partners and reviews

We are partnering and collaborating with fantastic organisations to further and amplify each other's work.
Below you can read what some of them think about
Queer for Queer.

"We are incredibly supportive of the work of Queer for Queer, which is creating mechanisms to bring together LGBTQI+ people facing persecution from around the world through mentorship, skills-building, and networking. Barriers to employment are significant for LGBTQI+ asylum seekers and there are few opportunities that exist that are focused on programming that could improve livelihood outcomes, as well as increased social connection, for our communities."

"Queer for Queer is an original initiative which will support our work in London. From the first time we spoke with Hrvoje, we knew this would be a successful story. There are so many LGBTQ+ migrants, especially refugees and asylum seekers, who need a safe space and the right support when living in a foreign country – Queer for Queer provides just that through their education and employment programmes. The current political situation in the UK and the unacceptable movement towards migrants only prove how important this organisation is. We give our full support to Queer for Queer and are looking forward to starting our collaboration with them.”